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Calacatta River


 Calacatta River

The Characteristics

Material Hardness: Engineered quartz stone has a very high hardness, second only to diamond, providing excellent wear and scratch resistance.

  • Material Properties: It does not appear old over time and can maintain a glossy finish through complex processing techniques. It is resistant to scratches from knives and scrapers, and liquids are not easily absorbed.
  • Corrosion Resistance: It has strong corrosion resistance, so there's no need to worry about kitchen condiments spilling and corroding the surface.
  • Ease of Cleaning: It is easy to clean, requiring only a cloth and some detergent or water to wipe down.

In conclusion, due to its superior physical and chemical properties, engineered quartz stone has become a preferred material for modern home decoration and kitchen countertops.


 Calacatta River Calacatta River Calacatta River Calacatta River